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Is there one autoclave cleaner that can be used with different autoclaves?
Problem Description:
I have three makers--Pelton/Crane; tuttnauer and midmark. Can I use one cleaner or does each autoclave have to have a separate cleaner?


1. Normally say, yes.

However, depends on what kind of cleaner you want to use, and what kind of sterilizers you have. There are 2 different types of sterilizers for each manufactory (Tuttnauer, Pelton Crane and Midmark): Automatic (electric) and Manual (mechanical) sterilizers.

For the automatic sterilizers, you need to be MORE careful: 1) drain out water completely from reservoir, 2) rinse the pipe and solenoid at least 2 times to make sure no clean material remained inside the machine.

The technical information is just to help sterilizer users as reference to do their trouble shooting.
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