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Sterilizer Manufacturer:
Model of Sterilizer:
Problem Title:
Tuttnauer E/EA/EK/EAK Water Fill Problem
Problem Description:
Chamber fills automatically, but not enough
1. Mostly the problem is some pipe clogged.


1. Is the Reservoir filled with Distilled Water to just below the Pressure Relief Valve?

Is there anything blocking the pickup tube at the bottom of the Reservoir?

Is the Water Sensor, in the Chamber, clean?

Is there anything touching or shorting out the Water Sensor?

Press the button located on the keypad that is marked with the two arrows, this is the Manual Water Fill Button:

By holding the Manual Water Fill Button can the Chamber be filled in approximately 60 sec (90 sec for the 3870 model)?

If it can manually fill in the right amount of time and the unit has a Microprocessor dated T97DN7WP or later then reset the automatic fill.

If the unit was manufactured before 2/2000 then there may be a short in the Water Sensor. To check this, do the following:

Empty the Chamber of any water
While filling the Chamber using the Manual Water Fill Button use a DVM to check between TP6 and TP1 The correct reading should be between 0 and 1 volt DC until water touches the tip of the sensor. Then the voltage will read between 3.5 and 5 volts.

If the voltage changes, before the water has reached the top of the sensor then the sensor has a short and should be replaced

If the Water Sensor checks out okay then reset the automatic fill, following the procedure outlined for time settings.

If it can not fill in the right amount of time then there is probably an obstruction in the line, check for:

A clogged Filter Screen, on machines manufactured before 9/96 at the back of the machine, remove the three screws on the round brass plate, remove the plate, take out and clean the screen.

Machines manufactured between 9/96 and 2/2000 will have a screen located inside the Chamber in the fill hole at the back, clean or replace this screen.

Units manufactured or repaired at Tuttnauer after 2/2000 will have a Chamber Strainer located at the left rear corner of the autoclave, either inside or outside the unit. Units with an external strainer will have a chrome cap on the back of the autoclave. Caution this cap can be hot. Remove the cap to clean the strainer. Units with internal strainers will need to have the Outer Cabinet removed to access the strainer. Once the Outer Cabinet is removed then open and clean the strainer.

A clogged Pump Strainer on units with Microprocessors dated T97DN7WP or later. Disassemble the Pump Strainer and clean the two wire mess screens and one fiber screen.

Malfunctioning Water Pump on units with Microprocessors dated T97DN7WP or later. Check the functioning of the Water Pump

A clogged Water Filter, in the bottom of the reservoir on some models there is a bronze filter. Clean or replace this filter if present.

A clog at the Water Fill Valve, remove the cover of the autoclave and open the valve and clean out the brass base assembly.

A deformed seat on the Water Fill Valve Plunger, remove the cover of the autoclave, open the valve, and replace the plunger.

A clog in the Water Fill Line, remove the cover of the autoclave, open the waterline, and clear the clog or replace that length of tubing.

The technical information is just to help sterilizer users as reference to do their trouble shooting.
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