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Sterilizer Manufacturer:
Pelton & Crane
Model of Sterilizer:
Problem Title:
Pelton & Crane Magnaclave- Opening door with no power
Problem Description:
How do I open the Magnaclave door without power. For some reason, we lost power, and we need to take the instruments out from the chamber.
1. The solenoid needs electric power to be able to open the door.


1. The 1st thing you need to do, is disconnect the electric power from the sterilzier. This is very important thing to do.

On the top of the sterilizer, there are two levers. One long one (for the reservoir), and one short one. You will need to open the short one with a screw driver. Go ahead, and open the cover and do the following:

About 4" down, and about 1/2 way between the opening the access cover there is a square solenoid that has 2 wires attached to it. It is about 1.5" square. There is a 'T' that faces towards the chamber that needs to be pulled away from the chamber. At the same time that it is being pulled away from the chamber, lift up the big lever until it stops, and at that point, you will need another person to push the small black button, and only then the lever will be totally free to go all the way up.

The technical information is just to help sterilizer users as reference to do their trouble shooting.
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