Sterilizer Manufacturer: Hirayama Sterilizer |
Model of Sterilizer: HA-300MD |
Problem Title:
Hirayaman HA-300MD Sluggish Heating |
Problem Description:
We have vertical sterilizer from Hirayama model HA-300MD, S/N: 030984852, usualy we use with setting: Temp: 121 deg of Celcius, time: 20 minute, mode 1 (Sterilizer only). formerly it operates normally. few weeks ago we find that when the temp reached 100 deg of celcius it takes few hours to reach 121 deg of celcius and the medium became overcooked, why could this happened?, how to solve the problem? |
The technical information is just to help sterilizer users as reference to do their trouble shooting. no guarranty implied. For each specific technical help to do with sterilizers or autoclaves, go to ... or call 1-800-801-9934 Contact Us |